Gender and Human Rights department Coordinates and develop Gender Equality and Human rights strategic of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and empowers young women in development programmes through capacity- building and awareness. These strategies are the key figures that promotes and advocate on young women to put into consideration to be inclusive of political participation, socio-economic and decision making, peace-building process.
Empowering Young Women through education and capacity building and Sports Programmes and all sectors of socio- economic development, and encouraging developing in their fields which they’re good at and make career, through strengthening implementation of programs and humanitarian and protection interventions participatory approaches at all levels to defeat poverty and literacy.
To Strength and Support young women’ voice to be heard, regardless of region and ethnicity, race to participate equal and fairness of social development and to create an environment where Somali young women are free from all kinds of human rights violations.
Core Values:
The Main core values of the department include Accountability, Performance, Human Rights Teamwork, and Service to all in equal Measure and Mutual Respect.
Department Structure
The Department of Gender and Human Rights overlooks under these three divisions
- Disabilities service division will focus on programs that ensures that the disabilities’ representation and inclusion are priority in this Department. This division service for the disable people to have opportunity, space in the community to be open into these programs like any group in the community.
- Young female’s development, peace, security Agenda and protection division is to make sure programs that are educating and building their capacity to make changes for themselves for better life and have a voice in their community where young women will be trained to peace-building, peace- making and security in their communities. It also advocates young women to priorities involvement of political participation and decision-making table in the country.
- Gender and Human rights division is engaged in Human Rights protection with focus on youth particularly young women through lobbying and advocacy as well as peace-building mechanism and community protection through providing training and awareness raising in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders in order to reduce all kinds of violence towards women particularly young women in Somalia.
Department Contacts:
Cell phone: +252612102386