Sports Dep


The Department of Sports has been created to play an important role in the development of various aspects of sports.

It is also created to improve communication and interaction between the sports community and sports supporting organizations and to create people with sports knowledge and skills that will enable them to develop and implement young athletes who represent sports stakeholders and participate in different levels of sports. .

The sports department is responsible for monitoring and organizing various activities in sports. The development of coaches, referees, sports administration and the development of stadiums.

and it involves the organization and implementation of games. Also, he is an effective member of the Ministry of Youth and Sports.


The Department of Sports is responsible for the development of various sports, in terms of athletes, competitions, training in sports fields, development of sports administration and to have a unified sport throughout the country


  • Creating programs to increase the knowledge of coaches, referees and sports administrators
  • Organizing and holding competitions for schools, universities, districts, regions, and national level.
  • A mandate has been given to the Department of Sports to promote all aspects of sports from the village, district, state, schools and Universities to the National level.
  • It is also the mandate of the sports department to improve the knowledge of the coaches, to increase the competitions and to create sports managers and advanced stadiums.
  • Preparation of strategic programs and plans to promote sports
  • Coordinating and linking the country’s sports support organizations, GOS sports associations, sports associations, schools and universities in districts and regions and at the national level.
  • Creation of cooperative relationships in the field of sports in the sports community
  • Preparing plans to promote sports.


  • to continue and make programs to strengthen the Games to achieve advanced games that lead to a peaceful society which is interaction and improvement of physical activity, mental health and conducting various sports competitions and expected to be successful. development and lasting peace
  • The mission of the Department of Sports is to achieve a unified sports system that plays an important role in the monitoring of international sports.
  • The goal of the department is to bring sports to the whole country from village to district to national level
  • In the future, the National Sports Policy will be managed throughout the country
  • Our mission is that sports should be jointly shared by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the FRS and the Ministries of Youth and Sports of the State Governments.


  • Sports is a process of social cooperation, it has the power to change the world, it is

a fundamental right, and it is a powerful tool to strengthen human relations,

promote development and peace as well as solidarity, respect and coexistence.

different people who are the pillars of society.

  • The process of sports performance is the development of different Sports categories
  • Conducting trainings to develop teachers, sports administration. Judging and


  • Reconstruction and renovation (Stadiums)
  • Strengthening the relationship between the Department and sports support agencies

 Core Value

  • To find the future of advanced sports that reach the whole country.
  • Work and progress
  • An inclusive sport.


 1) Conducting various sports competitions

2) Preparation of training for players, coaches, referees and sports managers

3) Renovate the damaged stadiums and create new stadiums

4) Delivery of sports throughout the country




Planning and implementation of the National Policy of Somali Sports

